
An outline of my academic teaching responsibilites and quailifcations

Teaching Qualifications and Recognition

  • Associate Fellowship of Higher Education Academy
  • Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Modules I have taught on

  • Environmental Policy and Management
  • Environmental Policy (MSc)
  • Global Environmental Issues
  • Sustainable Development
  • Environmental Hazards Modules I have coordinated
  • Field Skills (BSc)
  • Conservation Biology (MSc)

Topics of expertise

  • Environmental Pollution
  • Air Pollution
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Environmental Policy and Risk Assessment
  • Conservation Biology and Ecology
  • Laboratory and Field Skills

Active involvement in improving learning and teaching I have been actively involved in the pedagogical Journal Club, leading a sessions the use of audio and media feedback for students. In this session we critically discussed providing students with audio feedback, including how this relates to equality, diversity, and inclusion and the visions of our teaching at Stirling.

Scientific Outreach:

  • UK Microplastic Network
  • BBC Spotlight: Sail Against Plastic
  • The Eden Project Invisible Worlds Exhibition: Plastic Pollution
  • The National Maritime Museum Cornwall: Science of the Sea
  • BBC Winter Watch: Lamprey and Microplastics Feb 2023


  • Highly commended in the Outstanding Early Career Researcher category at the University of Stirling’s Research Culture Awards 2022
  • Nominated and shortlisted in multiple categories for the 2023 Students’ Union Recognising and Advancing Teaching Excellence (RATE) Awards.


  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Platform and Poster presentaitons (Dublin, May 2023)
  • Scottish Freshwater Group Meeting – Platofrm presentaiton (Stirling, April 2023)