Developmental Toxicity of Microplastics

Sea Urchin and Lamprey Larvae

Ecotoxicology research documenting the impacts of micropalstic contmanination on sea urchin larvae Masters by Research project at The University of Exeter focused on researching the developmental effects of microplastic contamination (publication).

Key skills included morphological assessment, fluorescent immunohistochemistry, analytical chemistry, FTIR, GC/MS, HPLC, data analysis in RStudio. Supervision by Dr Eva Jiminez-Guri, University of Exeter.
This project gave me a strong appreciation for the importance of senstive life stages and understanding the impacts of novel contmaintes on these crucial time points.

ASSEMBLE Plus Transnational Access Programme Awarded funding together with Eva Jimenez-Guri to complete the project titled ‘The effects of microplastics on the development of sea urchins (P. lividus)’ at the Station Zoologica Anton Dohrn – Naples.

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